Brentwood Farms Dahlias is located in Alexandria, Kentucky just south of Cincinnati in the Ohio River valley. Our venture into on-line dahlia sales began 5 years ago after a life-long obsession with growing dahlias for fun.
All of the dahlias we sell are grown in our fields. In the varietal descriptions on the site we list plant sizes which are based on the experience we have had over the last 15 years. While our listed plant sizes are somewhat larger than most sites report, I believe the larger stature of our plants is due to the incredible soil we have at Brentwood Farms. The nursery property was for many years a dairy farm and the resident cows left a priceless gift over the years. We continue to add generous amounts of manure and compost every spring and use minimal amounts of chemical fertilizer. Under these conditions our dahlias thrive, bloom like crazy, and attain larger than normal size. This is the key to our success and our healthy, robust plants. We believe this, in turn, provides you with exceptional tubers to grow.
Our fields are inspected annually by the Kentucky Dept. of Agriculture through the University of Kentucky. The inspections have never revealed a problem. While at this time, we aren’t specifically testing for viruses we do aggressively cull any plants that exhibit viral symptoms and enforce policies that prevent the spread of virus or diseases at the nursery.
We warranty our tubers to be true to variety, in good health and bearing or capable of producing at least one viable eye. We are believers in the “plastic wrap” method for bulb storage. We have found that it is much cleaner and keeps the bulbs at the perfect level of humidity during dormancy. A side affect can sometimes be the growth of a dusting of white mold on the tuber surface. This is harmless and has no effect on the health of the tuber. Upon arrival, please carefully remove the plastic wrap being careful not to damage the eye. If the eye happens to break, it’s not serious, another will grow in its place.
In wet seasons some of our tubers will produce lenticels which are wart like projections on the tuber skin. These are the plant’s response to too much water and too little oxygen in the soil caused by excessive rain. These wart-like projections are the ingenious way the dahlia plant sheds excess water. They are harmless and in no way affect the health of the tuber or its performance.
We will begin shipping orders in early spring unless an alternate shipping date is requested. Please contact us within 7 days of receipt if you have any problems or concerns with your order. We want you to be totally satisfied with your purchase and will do everything possible to earn your trust.
The photos on our site were taken at Brentwood Farms of plants that we have grown at the nursery. The photos are the property of Brentwood Farms Dahlias and are not to be used in any way without our expressed permission. Copying any content from our website is strictly prohibited.
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you enjoy reviewing our selections and hope our dahlias bring you months of gardening pleasure.
P.S. If you are happy with our dahlias and service please give us a positive review on Dahlia Addict. Thanks!